Phone (303) 809-4973
fax (303) 740-8988

Contact Us

Mailing Address

Swanson Lake Ranch, LLC                                                  6086 S. Alton Way                                                    Greenwood Village, CO. 80111

Map (click to enlarge)

MapQuestMap of Swanson Lake Ranch


Driving Directions

  1. Take either I-76 east to the Highway 34 exit in Brush, CO or I-70 east to the Highway 36 exit in Byers, CO.
  2. If taking Highway 34, continue east through Benkelman, NE to Stratton, NE.
  3. If taking Highway 36, continue east to Bird City, Kansas.  Take Highway 161 north to Benkelman, NE and then Highway 34 east to Stratton, NE.
  4. In Stratton, take the 4th right (Memorial Highway or Beaver Avenue), heading south.
  5. After crossing the train tracks and Republican River, take the next left on Road 711 (First Avenue) and continue until Ranch entrance, on left.